Monday, March 13, 2006

Losing Weight With Sound by Mary Desaulniers

Do you know that there are several different ways to aid your weight loss. Mary Desaulniers in her article Losing Weight With Sound discusses the practical implication of sound as a weight loss tool.
Every morning I put on my Holosync tapes and meditate to the sound of Tibetan crystal bowls and rain--yes rain. The sounds are soothing, miraculously mellowing. But I make my own sound too--the AHHHH of Jappa meditation and the morning chimes away like a symphony.

Sound not only brings a sense of inner peace; sound actually has physical applications that can reduce pain and reverse the progress of disease. It also has applications for use as a weight loss tool. But before we look at that, let us look at what sound therapy entails. For what it entails and how it can be used for weight loss, read Losing Weight With Sound.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

How To Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers - Part 3

Are your barriers keeping you from your fitness goals?
Dr. Frank Smoot has written or is writing a six part series How To Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers.
Part 3 of this series has just been added to our article directory
Welcome to Part Three of this 6-part series. Today we'll continue to explore the insider secrets of how to deal with the inevitable roadblocks, bumps, and barriers on the road to lifelong fitness success. For more on this article just visit: How To Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers-Part 3 Copyright 2006 Dr. Frank Smoot. Tags : , , , , ,

Monday, March 06, 2006

How to Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers - Part 2 by Dr. Frank Smoot

Do you want to know how to blast past your fitness barriers in order to lose weight? If so then you should be following along in Dr. Frank Smoot's series of articles on how to do so. The second article in this series How To Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers - Part 2 has just been posted at Article-Database.
Dr. Smoot opens the article with the following:
"Yes, as much as we'd like the road to fitness to be straight, smooth, and uninterrupted, it's a fact of like that you're going to bump into a few obstacles along the way.

Last time we looked at Roadblocks 1-3 and how to blast them out of your way on the road to success. In today's article (Part 2) we'll look at the next three in some detail. I'll cover the rest as we move through this 6-part series.

Success Roadblock Number Four: Inadequate Motivation - You Don't Have Clear & Compelling Reasons To Succeed"
For more of this article simply visit How To Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers - Part 2.
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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The 10 Commandments of Weight Loss Success

Dr. Frank Smoot, MA, DD, a professional weight loss coach and counselor, has written several articles about weight loss. We are going to be featuring several of these articles here starting with this artilce The 10 Commandments of Weight Loss Success.
Here is the opening paragraph to the article:
"A major new clinical research study, involving more than 14,000 people and spanning some 16 years, has allowed us to identify what does--and what definitely does not--lead to safe, struggle-free, lasting weight loss. As a result, we now know "The 10 Commandments Of Weight Loss Success."

Commandment #1: Get The Facts Before You Act!

Be certain that whatever you do is based on real data, not on hype and wild claims. Recent research has revealed a wealth of new insights into what works--and what doesn't."
For more of this article simply go to The 10 Commandments of Weight Loss Success.