Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Overcoming your barriers to weight loss success by Dr. Frank Smoot
"If there's one thing ALL of us truly need to understand, it is this:
The only reason we aren't already where we want to be in life is that we can't see the barriers that are keeping us from getting there.
We humans are smart critters. If we can clearly see what needs to be done, we can do it. And we are remarkably good at getting rid of the barriers we can actually see. Unfortunately, it's the barriers we can't see that are--right now--keeping us from getting where we want to go.
Two more crucial things to understand: All of our barriers are learned, and none are "valid." They are only as real as we, ourselves make them.
But unfortunately, we have learned to make them real, and so we unwittingly give them the power to stop us in out tracks by our own inability to spot them and challenge them. And as long as these barriers remain unseen and unidentified, they will hold us back forever--creating in a life filled with frustration and unfulfilled dreams instead of the successes we truly deserve."
Dr. Smoot goes on to say "If These Barriers Were Not Blocking Our Progress,
We Could Fly Like Eagles To The Destination Of Our Dreams!"
He rightly states that most of us choose to live in denial land rather than to work on overcoming these barriers. He then discusses identifying our personal barriers to weight loss success so that we may work to overcome them.
The entire article is posted here at : Overcoming Your Barriers To Weight Loss Success.
Technorati Tags: weight+loss, diet, dieting, fitness, success, achievement, goals, barriers, frank+smoot
Monday, August 14, 2006
Eat more often and lose weight
This method of weight loss which is one which I subscribe to doesn't pay so much attention to how many calories you consume. Intead, it pays closer attention to what type of food you eat and how many times per day you eat.
Indeed this type of dieting or rather "weight loss" recommends that you eat six times per day. The reasoning behind this from what I understand is to get your metabolism working at a faster rate.
The authors of this plan also recommend spcial foods that will double weight loss each day by reducing your blood glucose to super-low levels after each meal.
You see, when glucose levels go down below a certain level your body will begin to seek out and destroy fat cells as a natural side effect, thus making you lose your hard to lose fat deposits.
Find out more about Forget Calories.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Herbs and Weight Loss
Technorati Tags: herbs, herbal+nutritional+supplements, dieting
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
With this membership site you can learn how to stop using low carb diets, stop using low calorie diets, and stop using low fat diets. You can learn how to lose 9 pounds every eleven days.
You are overweight for the most simple of reasons -- because you're eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you're also eating meals in the wrong patterns each day.
FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. Also, the pattern that you choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills.
Your metabolism doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet.
Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days -- because it assumes that you'll continue to eat in the same general way. The "Idiot Proof Diet" constantly alternates your menu between every possible type of calorie, constantly shifting from one type of calorie to the next, ensuring that the scale keeps dropping.
To learn more about this excellent program which I would recommend visit: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
Technorati Tags: health, diet, dieting, weight loss, fat loss, obesity
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Overcoming Excessive Weight
Rather than to list all of these reasons here in this blog, I will instead emphasize Knut's purpose for the listing of these reasons. The purpose is so that you can evaluate yourself and see what behavior patterns that you have that cause you to lose weight. After you pin point these behaviors you can work on eliminating them and successfully lose weight.
Although this approach may be easier said than done the approach that Knut describes in his article is definitely one that a serious goal oriented person can approach.
This is just another of the many articles on weight loss you will find reviewed here in this blog. I hope that you take the time to read the entire article.
Technorati Tags: weight loss,diet,dieting,knut holt,fitness,goals
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The Complete Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle System
Over the past 14 years Tom Venuto, through a long and painstaking process of trial, error and experimentation, developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed system for losing body fat based on the little-known nutrition secrets of competitive natural bodybuilders and fitness models.
Tom thumbs his nose at the so called weight loss experts who earn fortunes on the sweat and dreams of young men and women. In this ebook he reveals the simple proven science of fat loss no one else will tell you about...
To find out more about this ebook and to order it simply go checkout The Complete Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle System.
Technorati Tags: fat,muscle,weight+loss,diet,fitness
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Affirmations and Weight Loss Success
Quoting Dr. Smoot:
"Let's start with a look at the real purpose of affirmations. What IS it?
You may or may not know that the term "affirmation" is actually a short version of "prayer of affirmation." So an affirmation is really a form of prayer. But contrary to almost universal opinion, the purpose of an affirmation is NOT to change God's mind.
Its purpose is to change YOUR mind."
For more of Dr. Smoots article visit here at Article Database.
Technorati Tags: weight+loss frank+smoot affirmations
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Winning the Mental Game of Weight Loss and Weight Control
(c) 2005 Jeff Griswold, Effective Learning Systems, Inc.
Are you struggling to lose weight? Are your diet and exercise programs not working for you? Are you finding it difficult to stay motivated? While it's essential to have a plan for proper nutrition and regular exercise, there's a one more thing you need to lose weight fast and maintain your ideal body weight. You also need to win the "Mental Game" of weight control.
Most people ignore the importance of the Mental Game in achieving your ideal weight. Deeply engrained thoughts and beliefs are the source of bad eating and exercise habits and can result in a negative, overweight self-image. No diet or exercise program can succeed if your mind is working against you. To lose weight fast or maintain your ideal body weight, you need to combine proper nutrition and regular exercise with winning the Mental Game of weight control.
Love Comes First
Many people think, and often say aloud, "I'd love my body if I could just lose 10-20 pounds." The truth is that this thinking is completely backwards. If you don't love your body to begin with, it is next to impossible to improve your health or yourweight. Think about it this way, why would you take care of something you don't already love?
Let's explore an analogy to help illustrate this point. Think about how you treat an old, beat-up car versus how you treat a brand new car just off the showroom floor. With an old "beater" you don't think twice about driving through the mud, over potholes, or fast over speed bumps. You don't mind spilling things on the seat and you put in the cheapest gas you can find You feel fine abusing a car like this because you don't really care what it looks like.
With a new car, however, you drive very carefully, wash and wax it on a daily basis, and park far away just to avoid other cars. And when you see that first paint chip, within 2 minutes you're out there with the touch up paint and polish to keep it looking like new. You care about this car - you LOVE this car - and you take care of it to keep it looking and running new as long aspossible.
It's the same thing with your body. Just like the old beat-up car, if you don't love your body, you probably won't take very good care of it. It becomes very easy to let yourself eat a whole box of cookies or "super-size" that order of fries. If you already "hate" your body, you feel like you can't really do any more damage, so why not have another cinnamon roll and watch some TV.
This reasoning applies to more than weight loss. It applies to all areas related to your health. Smoking is a great example. We know smoking does terrible things to our bodies. It destroys our lungs, causes cancer, and kills us. So how could somebody who truly loves their body do that to themselves?
Do You Treat Your New Car Better Than You Treat Yourself? But what if your body is already in bad shape? It's kind of hard to love your body if it's already run down and out of shape, isn't it? Let's go back to the car analogy. It may be easy to love a shiny new car, but a little harder to love something that's old and broken down. That may be true, but think about when a rusted-out, beaten-up 1965 Mustang convertible ends up in the hands of an enthusiast. That person loves that car no matter what shape it's in. With wide eyes and ceaseless energy, he or she will spend a lot of time and effort restoring it until it's back in mint condition. When it's done, he or she is as proud as a parent with a newborn baby.
Why do enthusiasts do this? Where do they get the energy to restore something that to others appears to be a complete disaster and a hopeless cause? The answer is "LOVE!" Enthusiasts LOVE the objects of their attention. They see beauty where others don't. They see the promise and the possibilities. They can envision the future and know they can reach their goals.
Be Your Own Enthusiast
Your body is the same way. You can be an enthusiast for your own health and fitness. Love your body no matter what shape it's in. Become an enthusiast! Restore it and be proud of the work you do!
So, begin by loving yourself. Start today and you'll find it's much easier to succeed in your weight control efforts.
The problem is that for most of us it's very difficult to change the way we think about ourselves. This is not something that comes naturally to us. It requires overcoming years of programming we've received from our parents, friends, the media, and even ourselves.
Here are some steps you can take to change the way you view yourself and begin to win the Mental Game of weight control:
· Recognize your negative programming
· Replace your negative programming with positive affirmations
· Apply visualization techniques
· Use guided imagery
You can use these techniques on your own or utilize audio programs such as those developed by Effective Learning Systems to guide you in using these techniques.
Learn More
To learn more about each of these techniques, go to http://www.efflearn.com/3-keys.php to request your free copy of "The 3 Keys to Life-Long Health and Weight Control," a 24-page report discussing the 3 keys to effective weight control:
· Nutrition
· Exercise
· Winning the Mental Game of Weight Control
About the Author:
Jeff Griswold is the President of Effective Learning Systems, Inc. (http://www.efflearn.com/weightlossprogram.php), the leading creator of audio CDs and tapes for weight loss and weight control. With over 100 titles available, their programs are the bestselling self-improvement audio programs in national bookstores - including Barnes & Noble and Borders - and have been for over 20 years. "Your Complete Success Weight Loss Program", recently released by ELS, is the perfect tool to help you succeed in winning the Mental Game of weight control. Jeff can be reached at mailto:griswold@efflearn.com or 952-943-1660
Monday, March 13, 2006
Losing Weight With Sound by Mary Desaulniers
Sound not only brings a sense of inner peace; sound actually has physical applications that can reduce pain and reverse the progress of disease. It also has applications for use as a weight loss tool. But before we look at that, let us look at what sound therapy entails. For what it entails and how it can be used for weight loss, read Losing Weight With Sound.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
How To Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers - Part 3
Monday, March 06, 2006
How to Blast Past Your Fitness Barriers - Part 2 by Dr. Frank Smoot
Last time we looked at Roadblocks 1-3 and how to blast them out of your way on the road to success. In today's article (Part 2) we'll look at the next three in some detail. I'll cover the rest as we move through this 6-part series.
Success Roadblock Number Four: Inadequate Motivation - You Don't Have Clear & Compelling Reasons To Succeed"
Thursday, March 02, 2006
The 10 Commandments of Weight Loss Success
Commandment #1: Get The Facts Before You Act!
Be certain that whatever you do is based on real data, not on hype and wild claims. Recent research has revealed a wealth of new insights into what works--and what doesn't."
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Blog articles wanted
Monday, January 30, 2006
Welcome to Weight Loss Ideas That Work Reformatted
Blogger, if they are going to delete blogs need to look at each blog individually even if this takes them xxxx number of years. Otherwise they are being totally unfair.
Anyway with this said I am changing the look of this blog to reflect it's new purpose of being a sounding block for weight loss articles posted at my new site
Thanks for your understanding during this transition.
The editor, Keith P. Stieneke